(The picture above is from another divinely orchestrated, multiplayer message from Matty to his mom, Diane. Danny Halbohm is the artist/painter of this beautiful image.)
You may have read part of this story on my other blog www.forperryforus.wordpress.com, but this is my first time publicly telling the entire story. This is my first time sharing Matty's part of the story.
I offered my first planned (scheduled in advance) session last April after many unplanned sessions/connections with Spirit over the 8 months prior to last April. You can read more about how those connections came about in My Story (here on my site). This first scheduled phone session was 100% anonymous, arranged through a friend via email. On the Friday prior to our Sunday evening appointment, I had a serious talk with Jesus. I felt his presence, and I asked him to take my fears and doubts away. I asked him to give me obvious and clear validation, either way. I wanted to know if I was supposed to be doing this. It was going to be all or nothing. I was willing to go all in and I was willing to drop it. I was willing to serve Spirit, regardless of making some people uncomfortable, and I was also willing to take a blow to my ego in the upcoming appointment if it meant working inside of God's will.
The next morning (Saturday) when I woke up, I saw my dear friend's son Matty, in spirit. I had already met Matty a couple of times before this visit. Matty is warm and charming and funny and loving... he has a big heart and big, big presence... I love him. Matty appeared to me with his big smile and bright light. He gave me the biggest Spirit hug! I awaited evidential information for his mom Diane because, with the exception of my own loved ones, Spirit had never just appeared to me without an evidential message for someone else. (I didn't know Matty when he was in his physical body.) But it seemed that Matty just wanted to say "Hello!" and give me a big Matty hug. About an hour or so later while I was making breakfast, I saw an image/vision of Matty's mom Diane in my mind's eye and I heard "sister". (I see living people differently than Spirit people, by the way. Spirit people actively communicate with me, animated in their spirit form, and they only reference living people as a still image. Sort of like how you would take out a photograph of your child or grandchild and show it to someone... that's how Spirit people let me know who they are talking about or to.) At that point, I didn't even know if Diane had a sister.
Later that day, Diane and I chatted and she happened to mention a road trip she was planning to take with her "sister" before I even told her about my vision of her. In that very moment, I felt Spirit nudge me that this all might have something to do with my upcoming Spirit session.
The next day (Sunday) I woke up and in the quiet I felt Spirit... the person I was going to be connecting with has a sister on the other side. This came to me as a knowing and I recalled Diane's "sister", which gave me increased confidence. Later that day, I was walking with my husband Craig when my leg suddenly gave out. Craig offered logical explanations to reassure me, but there was no physical explanation as to why my leg suddenly collapsed; it had never happened before. I told Craig that I felt it had to do with my upcoming Spirit communication. I was leaning on him for support at this point, so he wasn't convinced! A minute later, the full use of my leg came back.
When we returned home, Diane and I chatted again and I told her about a book on the psychic senses that I had browsed earlier that afternoon. (Actually, I read this section just before my leg gave out, now that I think about it!) I'm kind of a backwards medium, learning after I've already experienced, so I was excited to learn terms for what I had been experiencing since shortly after Perry had crossed over to the other side. Diane and I enjoyed these discussions together, so I had to tell her about what I had learned. I hadn't told her about my leg giving out on me, but when I mentioned that I had learned what "clairsentience" was, Diane questioned me with the example, "... taking on someone's leg pain?"
Later I asked Diane if she had felt Spirit lead her to mention her sister or the leg pain that weekend and she said no, she hadn't. She was just conversing. These were the only conversations we had that weekend. (Lesson here for you, my reader friends - We are all used by Spirit, whether we realize it or not.)
As it turned out, my upcoming first client had a spirit sister-in-law "like a sister" whom she wanted to connect with. (Biology doesn't count on the other side, only the relationship does.) Near the end of our connection, my client's sister-in-spirit showed me herself in spirit form here on earth waving a little flag, cheering for her sister here in what appeared to be a public outdoor setting. My new spirit friend also made me feel a lot of pride for her sister in this moment. My client told me that she had just ran her first marathon that very day, and she didn't take up running until after her sister-in-law had moved to heaven.
My client told me that her leg went out on her near the end of the marathon that afternoon. She had been contemplating going to the doctor the next day, and I believe she decided to do so. She and her sister also share a significant name connection... "Diane" and another "D" name.
Jesus answered my prayer by sending me Matty, and then Matty sent me Diane. The connection itself was amazing with non-stop validations from a sweet sister in spirit, and I received much more than I had anticipated as validation for my new calling. I was blown away for days at the breadth and depth and details contained in that connection.
Jesus wanted to make sure I wouldn't doubt, wouldn't fear, and wouldn't look back. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Matty. Thank you Diane. As I often say to include the entire divine orchestra...
Thank you Spirit!